Cooling Down Your City for a Comfortable Summer

11 Jul 2023


As the summer heat envelopes you, have you ever wished for cooler surroundings? If you're living in the suburbs or a city, the dream of cooler temperatures might feel impossible due to the urban heat island effect. The built-up urban areas of our cities often trap heat, leading to soaring temperatures that make life uncomfortable for residents. Fortunately, there's a simple solution to this problem. By greening up your suburb or city, you can reduce temperatures and create a more comfortable living environment for everyone.

Add More Trees and Plants

One of the easiest ways to green up your suburb or city is by adding more trees and plants. Trees provide shade and keep the surrounding air cooler, while plants cool the air by releasing water vapour through transpiration. By adding more greenery to your surroundings, you can reduce heat absorbed by concrete surfaces. Trees also add curb appeal to your suburb while providing home to birds and other local wildlife. Make sure to choose plants and trees that are well-suited for your local climate and soil conditions.

Provide Shade for Your Home

Shading your home from the sun's rays is an effective way to reduce the temperature indoors, and it's also a simple and inexpensive way to do it. Plant trees and shrubs that offer plenty of shade around your home's perimeter. By providing shade, you'll keep your home's cooling costs low and help your air conditioning unit to run efficiently. If planting trees isn't an option for you, consider adding retractable awnings or installing solar window film for your windows.

Install Green Roofs and Walls

Green roofs and walls are fast becoming a popular way of reducing urban heat islands. Installing green roofs which are layers of vegetation installed on top of the roof, will give you a host of benefits including insulation. A Green facade may provide cooling through shade and evapotranspiration. Green Wall installations can also significantly improve air quality and biodiversity within the surrounding environment.

Reduce Hardscapes and Use Cooler Pavement Materials

Hardscapes are impervious surfaces such as pavements that trap and release heat into the air. You can help reduce the heat island effect by reducing the amount of pavement and other hardscape surfaces in your area. See if there are softer, cooler materials such as permeable paving solutions that can be used instead of traditional concrete.

Create Green Spaces for Community Use

Parks, gardens, and pedestrian malls are designed to provide some relief from the heat island effect to the community members. If you have available spaces, you can create a green space where people can enjoy the natural environment and some respite from the summer heat. Public spaces could also help to promote healthier communities, and reduce the overall heat island effect in the area.

Greening up your suburb or city can help reduce the heat island effect and provide relief for everyone during the summer months. Incorporating these simple tips can help promote cooler temperatures and a more comfortable living environment for all. Take the necessary steps to green up your area, and you'll see how it can improve your quality of life while contributing to a healthier planet for generations to come.