The Colour of Your Car Could Be Warming up Your City

22 Aug 2023


If you're like most people, you might not give too much thought to the colour of your car. However, did you know that the colour of your vehicle could have a surprising impact on the environment? In recent years, the rise in popularity of black-coloured cars has contributed to a number of negative environmental effects. But before you despair, let's take a closer look at the problem and see how we can make a difference.

Have you ever thought about the impact of the colour of your car on the environment? Dark colours, such as black, have become increasingly popular in the world of car buying, but what is their impact on the environment? Research shows that black cars contribute significantly to the urban/city heat sink effect, which has dire consequences on the environment.

Absorb More Heat

Black-coloured cars absorb more heat and require more energy to cool down, which means that they use more fuel and emit more greenhouse gases. In fact, it's estimated that black cars contribute up to 12% more CO2 emissions than their lighter-coloured counterparts. By choosing a lighter-coloured car or even a green one, you can help reduce this impact on the environment.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Black paint contains higher levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are harmful to both human health and the environment. VOCs are released into the atmosphere as paint dries and contribute to air pollution. By switching to a different colour car, or even better, an electric or hybrid vehicle, you can help reduce the level of VOCs being released into the air.

Contribute to the Urban & City Heat Sink

Black cars, more than any other colour, contribute to this urban/city heat sink effect by absorbing a considerable amount of the sun's energy, which they then emit in the form of heat. The impact is even more pronounced during hot summer weather, and in densely populated areas. One study estimated that a black car can absorb up to 90% of the sun's radiation, leading to temperature spikes.

In conclusion, black cars may look sleek and stylish, but their impact on the environment is not so chic. The contribution of dark cars to the urban heat island effect is significant, leading to increased air pollution, energy consumption and even affecting human health. As we continue to deal with the impacts of climate change, we must be mindful of our choices every day. By making small changes, such as choosing lighter colours for our cars, we can all help make a difference in reducing this environmental impact. So, the next time you buy a car, consider the colour and how it will affect the environment.