Green Corridor

one verge at a time!

Imagine a world of overheated neighbourhoods, without birds, leaves, insects or wildlife.

Your Community

It's crucial to establish wildlife breeding trails throughout suburbia. These trails not only provide essential habitats for animals but also allow for necessary migration patterns. By implementing these breeding trails, we can guarantee the preservation of wildlife and the rejuvenation of our communities with their presence.

Cooling Suburbia

Keeping cool during Australia's scorching summers is becoming increasingly crucial. Especially true for those living in suburban areas, heat can easily get trapped within the tightly packed buildings and streets. Cooling suburbia isn't just about comfort, though. Excessive air conditioning puts a strain on energy grids.

Wildlife Habitat

Suburban living doesn't typically conjure up images of wild animals roaming freely, but in Australia, it's a reality. The country boasts incredible wildlife, with species found nowhere else in the world. However, with suburbia rapidly expanding, their habitat is quickly shrinking. This is where green corridors come into play.

Nature's Bounty

Edible verges in suburbia provide a source of food for wildlife that may otherwise be struggling due to habitat loss. It can inspire individuals to grow their own edible gardens. By incorporating edible verges into suburban landscapes, we can create a more vibrant and ecologically diverse community.

Cooling Suburbia

Neighbourhood of no trees, black roads, black roofs

A Resilient Approach to Heat

It's no secret that Australian suburbs are facing a major challenge with the urban heat island effect. The surge of townhouse and apartment developments, along with a staggering amount of paved surfaces, has caused extreme heat and discomfort for residents. Thankfully, there is a solution at hand - green infrastructure. By working together, local councils, governments, and communities can create innovative green spaces through urban design and bolster community engagement. This will combat the urban heat island effect and result in healthier and more liveable urban environments. So let's band together and harness the power of green infrastructure to build a more resilient and sustainable future, one Aussie suburb at a time!

Read More About A Resilient Approach to Heat

Your Community

Car Burnouts & their Environmental Impact

Car Burnouts & their Environmental Impact

Have you ever seen a car screech to a stop and then peel out, leaving behind a cloud of smoke and burnt rubber? Yes, we're talking about burnouts! While they may look cool in movies and TV shows, burnouts have a negative impact on our environment. The black smoke produced by burning rubber is harmful to the air we breathe in and can cause respiratory problems. And let's not forget the impact that the chemicals in tires have on the soil and ground water levels. It's important to think twice before performing a burnout and consider the environmental impact. Let's keep our streets and environment clean and healthy!

Read More About Car Burnouts & their Environmental Impact

Wildlife Habitat

The Benefits of Snakes & Reptiles Living on Verges

The Benefits of Snakes & Reptiles Living on Verges

Garden verges in Australia can sometimes look like an unlikely habitat for snakes and reptiles, but these scaly creatures have found a home in our urban areas. And, surprisingly, they bring some great benefits with them. For starters, they help to control pests like rodents and insects that would otherwise wreak havoc in our gardens. Plus, they're fantastic pollinators, helping to spread pollen between plants and keeping our green spaces lush and vibrant. Of course, seeing a snake or lizard on your morning walk can be a bit unsettling, but once you realize the important role they play in maintaining our urban ecosystems, it's hard not to be impressed. So, next time you spot a reptile on a garden verge, take a moment to appreciate all the good they do for our city.

Read More About The Benefits of Snakes & Reptiles Living on Verges

Natures Bounty

The Kangaroo Paw

The Kangaroo Paw

If you've been looking for a way to jazz up your front garden, why not try greenery? Specifically, kangaroo paws have recently become an incredibly popular choice for homeowners in Australia. And it's not hard to see why. With its vibrant colours, unique texture and low maintenance requirements, kangaroo paws are a fantastic way to spice up your home's exterior. Furthermore, adding greenery to your front garden with these beauties can be immensely beneficial for the environment, as they attract birds and insects to an otherwise barren space. So not only will you be upgrading the look of your home, but you'll also be doing your part to help out the local wildlife. It's a win-win in our book!

Read More About The Kangaroo Paw